monograma easyfutweb

Privacy Policy

All of your personal information collected will be used to help make your visit to our site as productive, enjoyable and useful as possible.

The guarantee of the confidentiality of the personal data of the users of our site and services contained therein, is of extreme importance for ZM Desenvolvimento de Software LTDA ME, referred to in these terms only as Easyfutweb.

All personal information relating to members, subscribers, customers or visitors who use Easyfutweb, or any content from commercial partners, exclusively through the electronic sites –,, and – will be treated in accordance with the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data, Law n.º 13.709/18, as amended by Law n. 13,859/19

A informação pessoal recolhida pode incluir o seu nome, e-mail, número de telefone e/ou telemóvel, morada, data de nascimento e/ou outros, desde que permitidos em Lei.

O término do tratamento de dados dos usuários, se dará na forma dos artigos 15 e 16 da Lei 13.709/18, que dispõe:

Art. 15. The termination of the processing of personal data will occur in the following cases:

  • I – verification that the purpose has been achieved or that the data are no longer necessary or relevant to achieve the specific purpose pursued;
  • II – end of the treatment period;
  • III – communication from the holder, including the exercise of his right to revoke consent as provided for in § 5 of art. 8 of this Law, safeguarding the public interest; or
  • IV – determination of the national authority, when there is a violation of the provisions of this Law.


Art. 16. Personal data will be deleted after the end of their treatment, within the scope and technical limits of activities, with authorized conservation for the following purposes:

  • I – compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation by the controlling shareholder;
  • II – study by research body, ensuring, whenever possible, the anonymization of personal data;
  • III – transfer to a third party, provided that the data processing requirements set forth in this Law are respected; or
  • IV – exclusive use by the controller, access by a third party is prohibited, provided that the data is anonymised.



Ainda, a exclusão de dados pessoais por requisição do usuário, respeitadas as condições e determinações dispostas na legislação pertinente, podem se dar, também, pelo endereço eletrônico: e/ou e/ou via Fone: +55 (048) 9117-4543 e +55 (048) 99925-7100.


The use of Easyfutweb presupposes acceptance of this Privacy Agreement, which reserves the right to change this agreement without prior notice. Therefore, we recommend regular consultations with regard to privacy policies.

Like other websites, we collect and use information contained in any advertisements, which include your IP (Internet Protocol) address, your ISP (Internet Service Provider, such as Sapo, Clix, or other), the browser you used when visit our website (such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox), the time of your visit and what pages you visited within our website.

Google, Bing, or others, as third-party vendors, use cookies to serve ads on our website;

With the DART cookie, Google can display ads based on the visits the reader has made to other websites on the Internet, in line with the aforementioned legislation;


Os utilizadores podem desativar o cookie DART visitando a Política de privacidade da rede de conteúdo e dos anúncios do Google.

Easyfutweb reserves the right to use cookies to store information, such as your personal preferences when visiting our website. This may include a simple popup, as well as a link to the various services we provide, such as forums, blogs, the use of the Easyfutweb system and all the tools contained therein, etc.

In addition, we may also use third-party advertising on our website to support maintenance costs. Some of these may use technologies such as cookies and/or web beacons when advertising on our website, which will mean that these advertisers (such as Google through Google AdSense) also receive your personal information, such as IP address, your ISP, your browser, etc. This function is generally used for geotargeting (show advertising from Lisbon only to readers from Lisbon for example.) and/or, display advertising targeted to a type of user (such as showing restaurant advertising to a user who visits cooking sites regularly, also in example.).

You have the power to turn off your cookies, in your browser options, or by making changes to the Anti-Virus program tools. Here, we point out that this may change the way you interact with our website or our partners. Furthermore, it may also affect or not allow logins within the Easyfutweb portal, including the system contained therein, blogs or forums of ours and other networks of commercial partners and services.

Easyfutweb reserves the right to have links with other websites, which, according to Easyfutweb's vision, may contain useful information / tools for our visitors.

Our privacy policy is not applied to third-party sites, so if you visit another site from ours, you should read its privacy policy.

We are not responsible for the privacy policy or content on these same sites.


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