monograma easyfutweb

Terms and Conditions of Use

The website (and derived domains) is an interactive service carried out through electronic pages on the Internet that offers: content related to automation software, educational content and other miscellaneous, free or paid from the integration of several sources of Terms and Conditions of Use:  

  1. Accessing the site represents the express and unrestricted acceptance of the terms of use described below. If you do not agree with the terms, please do not access or use this website and the services offered by it.
  1. The visitor may only use this website for lawful purposes. This space may not be used to publish, send, distribute or disseminate content or information of a defamatory, obscene or illicit nature. Also, the visitor may not use this site to obtain or disclose personal information, including Internet addresses, about users registered on the site.
  1. Easyfutweb strives to maintain the quality, timeliness and authenticity of the information on the site, however, its creators and collaborators are not responsible for any failures in the services or inaccuracy of the information offered. The user should not assume that such services and information are error-free or will be suitable for their particular purposes. The creators and collaborators reserve the right to change the conditions of use or prices of the services and products offered on the site at any time.
  1. Access to the site is free. Easyfutweb may create exclusive access areas for its customers or for specially authorized third parties.
  1. Easyfutweb creators and collaborators may, at their sole discretion and at any time, modify or deactivate the website, as well as limit, cancel or suspend its use or access, respecting dates and commitments assumed in the description of paid services, until the end of their validity. The Terms of Use may be changed at any time. Visit this page regularly and consult the current Terms. Some provisions of these Terms may be superseded by express legal terms or notices located on certain pages of this website.
  1. Documents, information, images and graphics published on this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Under no circumstances will Easyfutweb and/or its respective suppliers be liable for any direct or indirect damage arising from the impossibility of use, loss of data or profits, resulting from the access and performance of the website, the services offered or information available on this website. Access to the services, materials, information and facilities contained in this website does not guarantee availability against possible failures, since they are unpredictable factors.
  1. To request cancellation, the Customer must contact the Content Producer directly. If you have not received a response from the Producer or do not agree with the terms of the Producer, the customer must send an email to, informing the details of the purchase and explaining the reasons for the Cancellation, emphasizing that the use of the Easyfutweb system is for sole and exclusive will of the client. The Easyfutweb team will analyze the case and respond within 03 working days. Cancellation requests directly on Easyfutweb, due to their peculiarities, with regard to the use of systems with immediate access after payment confirmation, may not be contemplated in light of Art. 49 of the Consumer Defense Code, Law 8078/90.
  1. The materials are provided on this website without any express or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. In no case will Easyfutweb or its collaborators be liable for any damages, including loss of profits, business interruption, or loss of information resulting from the use or inability to use the services and systems offered free of charge or for a fee.
  1. Easyfutweb does not guarantee the accuracy or integrity of the information, texts, graphics, links and other items of the services and systems contained therein.
  1. Easyfutweb is also not responsible for copyright infringement resulting from information, documents and materials published on this website, committing itself to remove them from the air as soon as it is notified of alleged infringements.
  1. Any material, information, articles or other communications that are transmitted, sent or published on this site will be considered non-confidential information, and any violation of the rights of its creators will not be the responsibility of Easyfutweb.
  1. It is strictly forbidden to transmit, exchange or publish, through this website, any material of an obscene, defamatory or illegal nature, as well as texts or creations of third parties without the author's authorization.
  1. EasyfutWeb, as well as its commercial partners, reserve the right to restrict access to information sent by third parties to its users.
  1. Easyfutweb will be able, but not obligatorily, to monitor, review and restrict access to any area on the site where users transmit and exchange information among themselves, including, but not limited to, chat rooms, message centers or other discussion forums. , being able to withdraw from the air or restrict access to any of this information or communications in whole or in part. Likewise, Easyfutweb is not responsible for the content of any information exchanged between users, whether legal or illegal.
  1. The documents, contents and creations contained in this website belong to its creators and collaborators. The authorship of the contents, materials and images displayed and sold on Easyfutweb are protected by national and international laws. They cannot be copied, reproduced, modified, published, updated, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way without the prior written authorization of Easyfutweb.
  1. The images contained in this website are incorporated herein for viewing purposes only, and, unless expressly authorized in writing, may not be recorded or downloaded. Reproduction or storage of materials retrieved from this service will subject violators to the penalties of the law.
  1. The name of the site (, and, its logos, domain names for Internet access, as well as all the characteristic elements of the technology developed and presented here, in the form of the articulation of databases, they constitute registered trademarks and private intellectual properties and all the rights deriving from their registration are guaranteed by law. Some usage rights may be assigned by Easyfutweb in a contract or special license, and may be canceled at any time, in case of non-compliance with established terms.
  1. The trademarks covered by Easyfutweb can only be used publicly with express written authorization. The use of these trademarks in advertising and product promotion must be properly informed to the final recipient.
  1. You arrived at this LEGAL NOTICE because you are accessing the sales page for the content of services and products registered and available on Easyfutweb.
  1. The products, contents or services sold through the Easyfutweb platform should not be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of success in any way.
  1. The results mentioned or presented in testimonials only represent the potential that can be obtained from the application of the information and methods present in the Content. There is no guarantee that similar results will be obtained.
  1. The level of result or success obtained through the contents provided by Easyfutweb and its Commercial Partners, depends on factors linked to the degree of effort in applying the past information, the time dedicated, the way it is applied, the previous experience and capacity of each one. .
  1. As these factors differ from person to person, and there are even cases in which the Content is never applied and, therefore, does not generate any change in the buyer, it is not possible to guarantee the result that will be obtained from the Content purchased. its collaborators and partners are not responsible for any loss arising from the application or use of the information contained in this Content.
  1. EasyFutWeb works through the connection of the system through an extension (Add-on) available only and only for the Mozilla Firefox browser, which has the purpose of searching and reading messages from the EasyFutWeb system to the user, considering that if it is a non-free system and that, the user, in addition to accepting the privacy policies and terms of use contained in the act of acquiring the system, must also accept them, when installing the Extension (Add-on) for the browser Mozilla Firefox.

    a) The Extension (add-on) for Mozilla Firefox does not store or request any type of personal data (such as passwords, logins, etc.) , its sole purpose is described in the caput of item no. 24, supra.
  1. Access to the services offered by Easyfutweb in Territories where they may eventually be considered illegal is at the user's own risk and expense, and Easyfutweb is not responsible for any violations arising from the user of its services.
  1. The User must not use Easyfutweb services to:

    a) Disseminate Sensual or Pornographic content, unsuitable for minors or that allude to illegal activities.
    b) Disclose offensive or libelous information to other people or companies.
    c) Carry out activities that are not directly linked to the activities and commercial purposes of Easyfutweb.
    d) Disseminate content from people or companies that are not Easyfutweb's official partners and/or disseminate Content for commercial purposes and whose sale is not being carried out by Easyfutweb or its official partners.
    e) Disclose information about Easyfutweb or its partners without explicit authorization in the dissemination channels or, through formal written authorization.
    f) Disclose information or carry out activities that may harm or put at risk any person or Company, especially Easyfutweb, its partners, Affiliates, Producers or Customers.


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